Forbes: Advice For Business Leaders
Nina Saporta Nina Saporta

Forbes: Advice For Business Leaders

Business leaders can take three steps to ensure corporate values serve their purpose and help guide and inform behavior, decision-making and their company’s trajectory…

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Frenshe: How to Use Anxiety to Your Advantage with 3 Questions
Nina Saporta Nina Saporta

Frenshe: How to Use Anxiety to Your Advantage with 3 Questions

Let’s be real — no one loves anxiety. Defined as “a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome”, anxiety puts us in a state of paralyzing fear. If we avoid this feeling — named experiential avoidance by behavior analysts— it can maintain or exacerbate psychological distress. From this emotional state, it is difficult to evaluate outcomes, make choices or even go about our day.

Read More 9 types of workplace culture to evolve your company mindset
Gianna Biscontini Gianna Biscontini 9 types of workplace culture to evolve your company mindset

The science of human behavior tells us that it’s not always what we add — bath bombs, luxe loungewear, or that new filter — but what we remove that helps us improve, reduce stress and clear the way for a more fulfilling life. This can sometimes require us to take a mindful pause, breathe deeply and take a good hard look at where we are in order to recalibrate for where we want to go.

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Training Magazine: The Power of Being Human: Why Vulnerability Is an Essential Skill for Modern Leaders
Nina Saporta Nina Saporta

Training Magazine: The Power of Being Human: Why Vulnerability Is an Essential Skill for Modern Leaders

On the surface, vulnerability may seem like an innate personality trait or characteristic. However, in reality, it’s a behavior that “can absolutely be learned through training, environmental modifications and effective motivation,” says Gianna Biscontini, a board-certified behavior analyst, keynote speaker, writer and founder of the employee well-being agency W3RKWELL. Shriver agrees, noting that vulnerability “can not only be learned, but also perfected.”

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HRD: Don't 'man up!': Embracing female leadership in the workplace
Nina Saporta Nina Saporta

HRD: Don't 'man up!': Embracing female leadership in the workplace

“Workplace environments fail to support women who bring themselves to the office — emotions, power, opinions, empathy and everything else that make women so interesting,” added Biscontini. “Women should be actively looking for companies that demonstrably support women, have a diverse executive table, and have leadership pipelines and programs that honour caregiving responsibilities in order to create space for the women to be their best at work. You can also ask questions about these topics in an interview.

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In Her Sight: 6 Expert-Approved Ways to Cultivate a Sense of Urgency at Work
Nina Saporta Nina Saporta

In Her Sight: 6 Expert-Approved Ways to Cultivate a Sense of Urgency at Work

Leadership expert Gianna Biscontini tells InHerSight, “To be productive, we require a calm, alert state with clear outcomes, training-to-fluency, and the uninterrupted time to produce those results. If employees are tied to a purpose that is meaningful to them and serves their values, this can elevate productivity and protect against burnout.”

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Nerdy Millennial: 10 Ways Women Can Advance the Gender Equality Movement — Today
Nina Saporta Nina Saporta

Nerdy Millennial: 10 Ways Women Can Advance the Gender Equality Movement — Today

By busting limiting gender beliefs, women signal to everyone watching — if only in their own social circles — that things are continuing to grow and change, because they are continuing to grow and change. At the same time, when women live life on their terms, they empower other women to live according to what being female means to them.

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Built In: 11 Essential Leadership Qualities for the Future of Work
Nina Saporta Nina Saporta

Built In: 11 Essential Leadership Qualities for the Future of Work

Strength and its traditional connotations of force and coercion, perpetuates the archaic view of strength and leadership and prevents us from moving in a more human-centered, progressive and effective direction. Because of the upheaval of the last several years, we are now starting to perceive acts of authenticity, vulnerability, compassion, humility, and emotional maturity as strong. We must also continue to build a society that rewards this behavior in all individuals, not only for the health of companies, but for the health of society.

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